Our favorite training resources.
Holding Space for Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Who: Any Professional
Where: Virtual
Host: Inviting Abundance
Level of Knowledge: Basic/Novice
Cost: $$ (out of $$$$)
Resolve Through Sharing Programs
Who: Professional specific options
Where: Virtual or in person
Host Resolve Through Sharing
Level of Knowledge: Variable
Cost: $$$ (out of $$$$)
Race and Philosophy
Who: Any Professional
Where: Virtual
Host: Inviting Abundance
Cost: $ (out of $$$$$)
Cultural Competency Self-Assessment Tools
*To gauge your cultural competency and skill level working with patients outside of your culture.
*To further determine how training and education will benefit you and your patients.
Cost: Free
Piper's Purpose, inc
Contact Claire at piperspurpose2020@gmail.com to request a customized training specific for your department.
Would you like your training included in our list ?
We would love to hear from you. Please email www.piperspurpose2020@gmail.com to share your resource for our board of directors to review. Thank you!